If 2017 was the year of video, 2018 is set to be even bigger—reports from Recode suggest that spending on video is expected to grow by a whopping 49%, hitting numbers as high as $15 billion. From Instagram Stories to major brand campaigns, video is becoming the go-to visual medium.
Tether is all about helping you stay on top of industry trends, so we’re partnering with PROCAM to bring you an exclusive opportunity to learn video insights from one of the best: Emmy Award-winning filmmaker Chris Ashwell.
As Co-Founder and Creative Director of CincyStories, Chris started as a photographer before transitioning into video focused on crafting engaging and thought provoking stories that create tangible and lasting change in our communities. In this class, he'll cover:
Transferable skills and knowledge
What do you already know as a photographer that is going to be important in videography and filmmaking?
Transferable equipment
What equipment might you already own that will be useful in video.
Skills you'll need to learn
The top skills and information needed when transitioning into videography.
Equipment you'll need to buy
The equipment not currently in your photography bag that you'll need to purchase.
Cost: $10.
Bonus - when you attend, you’ll get a $10 gift card to PROCAM. So it’s basically free.
Learn about the latest image-making trends and gain valuable new skills. Register now!